



古比特佛像网, 编号: 尊胜佛母



财源天母, 梵名:Vasudhara, 藏文名为:Namgyalma,又称顶髻尊胜佛母, 佛顶尊胜佛母. 尊胜佛母是长寿三尊之一(其它两尊分别为阿弥陀佛和白度母). 尊胜佛母的身体为白色, 三头八臂, 中间的脸为白色, 右面的脸为黄色, 左面的脸为蓝色, 面相微怒, 虎牙略露, 每一个脸上都有三只眼睛, 右第一手持四色羯磨杵(十字金刚)于胸前, 二手托莲座, 上为阿弥陀佛, 三手持箭, 四手施愿印置右腿前, 左第一手忿怒拳印持绢索, 二手上扬作施无畏印, 三手执弓, 四手定印托甘露宝瓶. 佛母威严慈祥, 项戴珍宝璎珞, 身着秀丽天衣, 双足跏趺于莲花宝座中央.


The long-life deity/ishtadevata, Ushnishavijaya 'Victorious Crown Ornament,' is one of three special long-life deities along with the Buddha Amitayus and White Tara. This group is known as the Three Long Life Deities (Tibetan: tse lha nam sum, 长寿三尊). There are other deities associated with long life and healing but these three are commonly referred to as the principal deities and form their own group. The three were not formulated in India but rather popularized as a Tibetan iconographic convention.

“…Ushnishavijaya, the colour of an autumn moon, with three faces, white, yellow and blue and eight hands. Each face has three very large eyes. The first right hand holds a vishvavajra, second a white lotus with Amitabha [Buddha] residing, third an arrow and the fourth in [the gesture of] supreme generosity. The first left holds a vajra lasso, second a bow, third [in the gesture of] bestowing protection and fourth in [the gesture of] meditative equipoise holding an auspicious nectar vase; complete with silks and jewel ornaments, seated in [vajra] posture. Within the outer circle of the stupa, on the right [side of the chaitya], above a moon is Avalokiteshvara with a body white in colour, the left hand holds a lotus. On the left [of the chaitya], above a sun is Vajrapani, blue, the left hand holds an utpala with a vajra; standing in a peaceful manner and adorned with silks and jewels.” (Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo, 1820-1892).



尊胜佛母最明显的形象是三面八臂, 右上手捧一座佛像(无量光佛)。 辨识特征还有:全跏趺坐姿,正中一面是白色,左右两面,一蓝一黄,蓝面现微嗔相,三面各有三眼。捧佛像的右上手实为右上第二手,第一手执十字金刚杵,立于胸前(亦是重要标识)。其它六只手:左最上第一手结期克印,当胸执羂索;第二手上扬,手心向外结施无畏印;第三手执弓;第四手结定印,托宝瓶于脐间;右侧第三手执箭,和左第三手的弓呼应;第四手手心向外,结与愿印垂于膝前。


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古比特佛像网, 编号: 尊胜佛母
本页地址: https://fo.gubit.cn/尊胜佛母.1586105437.txt · 最后更新: 2022/02/27 10:56 (外部编辑)