
年代:清代 18世纪
成交:1,322,500元(2019.12); 156,250美元(2017.06)
参阅:中贸圣佳 纽约邦瀚斯

此尊文殊2017年在纽约邦瀚斯上拍, 脸部泥金后, 2019年在中贸圣佳上拍.
Artemis注 – 2020/05/01


参阅:雍和宫藏,清乾隆 铜鎏金文殊菩萨,高32厘米;《雍和宫佛像宝典》,北京出版社,2002年,68页。

A gilt copper alloy figure of Manjushri riding a lion
Qing dynasty, 18th century
古比特佛像网(fo.gubit.cn), 编号: 文殊菩萨227
The Bodhisattva of Wisdom identified by the sword raised on his left shoulder, seated in the lalitasana posture of royal ease atop a lotus-form plinth fitted onto the elaborate saddle of the separately cast beast holding his head to the side with roaring jaws agape, details to his ferocious expression, bushy tail, and elaborate caparison highlighted in colored pigments, all inserted onto a crisply cast ovoid double lotus plinth.
14in (35.5cm) high

Antoinette Gordon in The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism (Rutland: Tuttle, 1959), 68, describes this form of Manjushri seated in royal ease upon a lion throne as the Maharajalilamanjushri. The Royal Ontario Museum holds a closely related example, that appears to have been cast in a single piece, but otherwise seems to stem from the same design overall, see Himalayan Art Resources item no.77535

with Shirikolab Tokyo photograph developed 13 July 1964