
尺寸:73.7 x 57.2 cm
年代:2-3世纪 贵霜时期

佛陀站在菩提树下. 受到当地村民的崇拜, 因为菩提树是佛陀悟道的地方, 这里成为了祭祀的地方, 祭坛本身覆盖着用于祭祀的库沙草. 在祭坛的底部, 大地女神从地上站起来, 敬仰地跪在他面前.

Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree

The tree under which the Buddha reached enlightenment marks the center of the composition. It had been under worship by local villagers, for it was known to be the residence of a nature divinity, who here emerges from the tree and altar to praise the Buddha. The altar itself is covered with kusha grass used in the context of sacrificial offerings. At the base of the altar, the earth goddess has risen from the ground and kneels before him in reverence.


Cleveland Museum of Art, “Major African Sculpture, Recent Mark Tansey Painting, and Other Works of Art Enter CMA Collection,” September 16, 1997, Cleveland Museum of Art Archives. archive.org

Sengupta, Arputha Rani. Buddhist Jewels in Mortuary Cult: Magic Symbols.

Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan, 2019. Reproduced: Vol. 2, P. 314, fig. 6.27; mentioned: vol. 2, P. 315-316