
质地:大理石彩绘(Marble with traces of pigment)


Standing Sâkyamuni Buddha

The serene, introspective gaze of this Buddha is enhanced by the figure’s formal stance and the white, cool character of the marble. Traces of old pigment indicate that this sculpture was originally painted to show the richly embroidered, colorful patchwork silks of a priest’s robe. There are two rare features depicted in this work. The first, just under the left shoulder, is an inverted fan shape that represents the gathering of cloth in a clasp. The second, nestled between the ankles, is a fruit-like motif interpreted as a lotus bud or a wish-granting pearl (cintamani), both symbols of purity. . Based on stylistic analysis and other comparable works, this statue may have been made either during the final years of the Northern Qi dynasty or the early years of the Sui dynasty. This standing statue would have been supported on a lotus pedestal that surmounted a square base, carved from the same marble.

- 1919
Yasaburō Itō & Co., Tokyo, Japan [1]

1919 -
Saint Louis Art Museum, purchased from Yasaburō Itō & Co., through William K. Bixby [2]

[1] According to correspondence and invoices between Bixby, the Museum, and Yamanaka & Co., dated July and October 1919, William K. Bixby purchased this work from Yasaburō Itō & Co. on behalf of the Museum; it was shipped to the Museum via Yamanaka & Co., Kyoto, Japan [SLAM document files].

[2] Minutes of the Administrative Board of Control of the City Art Museum, May 2, 1919.