
尺寸:H 7 x W 5 x D 2 3/4 in.
质地:合金铜(Leaded copper-zinc-tin alloy with silver inlay)
风格:克什米尔或Himachal Pradesh

Manjuvajra 11th century
古比特佛像网, 编号: 文殊菩萨014

The art of Kashmir, in the northwest of India, has had a great influence on Tibetan Buddhist art, not only in terms of style but also for its development and depiction of early Esoteric, or Tantric, deities. Many of the earliest Himalayan bronzes depicting deities with multiple heads and limbs are from this region, as is this six-armed, three-headed image of the meditation deity Manjuvajra as described in the Secret Assembly (Guhyasamaja) Tantra.

This bronze shows a number of elements typical of objects from Kashmir, including a crown formed with three crescents, rosettes above the figure’s ear, sophisticated inlays (such as seen here in the dot or tuft of hair on the forehead [urna]), long garlands, and textile patterns on the clothing. Manjuvajra is an Esoteric form of the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Manjushri, and in his hands he holds objects typically held by that deity, including a sword for cutting through ignorance, a blue lily (utpala), and a bow and arrow. His two forward-most hands with wrists crossed perform a gesture representing the union of perfect wisdom and skillful means.