

A silver and copper inlaid bronze figure of Vajradhara
Western Tibet, 15th century
the primordial Buddha seated in vajraparyankasana, his hands crossed at the wrist in prajnalinganabhinaya holding the vajra and ghanta, his naked torso adorned with necklaces, wearing a crown, earrings, bracelets and armbands, with a scarf over the shoulders swirling at the elbow and falling to lotus pedestal at the knee, his lower garment extensively inlaid with silver and copper to delineate the floral patterning, and silver and copper highlighting the eyes and lips
10 3/4 in., 27.3 cm

Catalogue Note
The narrowed silver-inlaid eyes and copper lips are typical of sculpture from Western Tibet and an attribution to the kingdom of Guge may be made by comparison with an inscribed bronze Buddha in the Berti Aschmann Foundation at the Rietberg Museum. The inscription states that the Buddha was made by two brothers from Guge. Not only the eyes and lips are similarly inlaid, but also the hem of the Buddha's robe and the lower garment of the Vajradhara are both extensively inlaid with silver and copper in much the same style, and the shape of the lotus petals of the pedestals are also similar, see Helmut Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment, The Berti Aschmann Foundation of Tibetan Art at the Museum Rietberg Z¿rich, Zurich, 1995, p. 71, no. 29.

Heavy accretion overall, most likely from butter lamp smoke. The silver and copper inlay on the robe is tarnished. Inlay missing from centre of the earrings, the central pendant on the necklace and armbands. The consecration plate original but re-attached, contents lose within.