
尺寸:高140.3 cm
风格:中原 印度

这是已知最大的一座早期鎏金青铜佛像。阔的肩膀,强悍的体魄,修长的腿部都可以看到早期印度佛像的影子,细看其背部还留有原先连接大背光的插销扣. 北魏金铜佛像衣服呈圆绳状,贴在身上;发髻除磨光和浅水波式外,又出现了螺发,并以右旋式居多;头挽高髻并戴冠;宽额、耳大,手指纤长。

This is the largest early gilt-bronze Chinese sculpture known today. The Buddha’s broad shoulders, powerful physique, and long legs derive from fifthcentury Indian prototypes that spread to China along the Silk Road, an example of which can be seen directly behind you in the gallery for Indian art.

Maitreya is worshiped both as a bodhisattva and as a Buddha, for it is believed that once the currentcosmic era has destroyed itself, he will be reborn as the teaching Buddha of the next great era. The identification of this figure as the Buddha Maitreya is based on the dedicatory inscription at the back of the base, which dates the sculpture to 486 and states that it was commissioned in honor of the dowager empress Wenming (442–490), who controlled the Northern Wei dynasty during the last three decades of the fifth century.