
尺寸:H. 9 5/8 in. (24.4 cm); W. 6 in. (15.2 cm); D. 3 1/2 in. (8.9 cm)
质地:黄铜鎏金(Gilt brass with silver and copper inlay)
风格:斯瓦特 吉尔吉特 克什米尔

Enthroned Buddha Granting Boons
dated by inscription to ca. 600

Pakistan (Gilgit Kingdom)

This Buddha is one of the three earliest datable sculptures associated with the kingdom of Gilgit in northern Pakistan. All were commissioned by Queen Mangalahamsika, known from Gilgit manuscripts to have been the senior queen to King Vajraditayanandi (reigned ca. 600). The Sanskrit donor inscription engraved on the front cartouche states: “Om. This is a pious gift. This pious gift was ordered to be made by the Shri Paramadevi [Highest Queen] Mangalahamsika” (trans. O. von Hinueber).