



古比特佛像网, 编号: 观音菩萨:自在观音




本站将心性休息法像(Semnyi Ngalso, Resting in the Nature of Mind)和自在姿态(Relaxed Posture)的观音菩萨归类于自在观音; 而一足盘膝一足下垂的自在的形象, 则归类为水月观音; 统称为自在观音.


Sanskrit: Avalokita. Tibetan: spyan ras gzigs sems nyid ngal gso. The posture of Chittavishramana (Semnyi Ngalso, Resting in the Nature of Mind 心性休息法像) is similar to both the Simhanada (狮吼) form and the Lokeshvara in a 'Relaxed Posture' with the right knee raised. The special iconographic characteristic of Semnyi ngalso is the left hand pressed down on the seat behind the left thigh. He holds the stem of a lotus flower which blossoms over the left shoulder. The right hand is open and the arm extended in a gesture of generosity. Sometimes the right hand holds a small garland of beads (mala). The right leg is extended and the left is positioned in a horizontal manner on the seat.

The 'Resting in the Nature of Mind' Lokeshvara is related to Amoghapasha and Khasarpani/Khasarpana Lokeshvara(空行观音). An important difference between Chittavishramana and khasarpani is that the latter has the hand laced at the heart. The use of Sanskrit names between the three is quite fluid and can be very confusing.

It can be very difficult sometimes to distinguish between sculptural forms of Semnyi Ngalso Lokeshvara and Green Tara(绿度母). Often the only discernible differences are the size of the two breasts. In those situations Semnyi Ngalso does not have a deer skin over the shoulder. Typically Semnyi Ngalso does not have a small form of Amitabha Buddha on the crown of the head which can be common for many other forms of Lokeshvara.

[Chittavishramana Lokeshvara] “White Khasarpani with one face and two hands, the right in supreme generosity, the left pressing on the seat [while] holding the stem of an eight petalled white lotus. An antelope skin hangs over the left shoulder, adorned with heavenly garments and jewellery, seated with the right foot extended in a playful half posture.” (Based on Tropu Lotsawa and the Mitra Gyatsa).



自在观音普遍的形象为左手抚于莲坐上并置于左腿后方, 左腿水平置于莲座上, 左肩莲花盛开; 右腿抬起, 右手低垂张开, 右臂伸展并轻抚于右腿上. 这种造型与空行观音很相似, 最大的区别是空行观音的左手置于心脏前; 而空行观音又与绿度母很难区分, 有时仅仅是胸部大小的区别. 而一足盘膝,一足下垂(至莲座下方),很自在的形象, 本站归类为水月观音, 其典型形象为右腿曲蹲,左脚轻踏荷叶,重心落在左胯,右手微抬微翘,左手为支撑点,无拘无束,自由自在。

深度阅读: ……




古比特佛像网, 编号: 观音菩萨:自在观音
本页地址: https://fo.gubit.cn/观音菩萨/自在观音 · 最后更新: 2022/02/27 10:58 (外部编辑)