



古比特佛像网, 编号: 释迦牟尼佛:释迦牟尼佛470


质地:石雕(Carved limestone)






发愿文,邑子李洪演造像颂:夫灵光郁烈,虽体洞□尘。然一乘覆运,则十缠竟发,故释迦出后,有其初也。是以邑义等皆集出兰蕙,秀贯烟霞,悼纯晖之日削,恻重闇之年深。遂捐率舍,爱图嘉石,于此夹塏造像一区。庶钟万品,等阶十号,颂日: 湛矣澄源,攸哉宝观。息彼摸拟,迈兹陈讚。事等手足,道犹花干。远迩□津,清浊交判。有释迴兴,体苞圣达。净乐萧然,常我无遏。三迳是填,王盖终脱。六 度告□, 双林显末。于穆邑义,广夏之梁。爱树填像,仿佛遗光。功崇先祀,福润见方。咸□□吉,永拔宿霜。武定二年三月日一造讫。


Buddhist monument of carved stone with standing Sakyamuni (Buddha) flanked by two attendant Bodhisattvas, dated AD 544, Eastern Wei dynasty, Chinese.

The sculpture is carved from a hard dense dark grey limestone. Various imperfections are detectable, particularly brownish marks across the face of the Buddha. The surface is generally pitted except for areas like the hands, faces, plinth where continuous handling has given a glossy surface. It is carved on the front with images of Sakyamuni (Buddha) flanked by two Bodhisattvas in high relief. The central figure of Sakyamuni is over 77cm tall, his right hand raised in the abhaya mudra. His head is carved with a fullness and roundness typical of late Wei sculpture, and his style of dress is also typical for this type of image, the robes falling over the shoulders and down the front of the figure in broad 'stepped' folds, and over the left arm. The bold, deeply carved drapery falls from the arms are typically monumental in concept. The two Bodhisattvas are probably Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) on the Buddha's right and Ta-shih-qi (Mahasthamaprapta). The now headless figure of Avalokiteshvara holds a lotus bud in his right hand. Both the Bodhisattvas wear the typical style of dress with crossed draperies looping through a ring in the front except that they are looped differently for each. The figure for Mahasthamaprapta is complete but the nose is badly damaged.

The reverse side of the halo was originally covered with engraved designs, of which little remains. The principal image is of a large seated Sakyamuni of which only a portion survives. The two flanking Bodhisattvas are also only partially visible. Towards the top are engraved two small images of seated Buddhas: these represent the Buddhas of past, present and future (Kashyapa, Sakyamuni, Maitreya), the third image is missing due to the break in the stele. The remainder of the reverse is engraved with apsaras, images of donors and decorative motifs. The iconography is based on the Lotus sutra.

The sides of the stele are engraved with a broad floral scroll. The sides of the plinth are engraved with the names of five donors.

On the face of the plinth is a long inscription.

古比特佛像网, 编号: 释迦牟尼佛:释迦牟尼佛470
本页地址: https://fo.gubit.cn/释迦牟尼佛/释迦牟尼佛470 · 最后更新: 2022/02/27 10:58 (外部编辑)