



古比特佛像网, 编号: 金刚总持:金刚总持052


尺寸:36 1 /4 x 24 3/4 in.
质地:唐卡(Pigments on cloth)

Vajradhara with Eighty-Five Great Tantric Adepts
金刚总持与85位大成就者 唐卡 16世纪 西藏西部

An elaborately crowned Vajradhara, primordial guru of Tantric lineages, sits in the center of the composition surrounded by the eighty-five great tantric adepts (mahasiddha), the exemplary practitioners of those teachings. Each of these adepts is engaged in a different activity and is identified by an inscription, following the verse eulogy attributed to the Indian master Vajrasana (about 1100). An interesting feature of this painting is the large number of adepts shown in strenuous yogic poses. Vajradhara is seated on an elaborate throne with wide pillars and adorned with multicolored scrolling sea monster (makara) tails. Such features identify it as art of the ancient kingdom of Guge in western Tibet.

The back of the painting features a stupa with a number of atypical features. Windows are found on both the base and the square section on top of the dome (harmika). The dome also has some odd details, including a niche and decorative eyes. The chains with bells and the representations of the crescent moon and the sun, although common symbols that stand for eternity, are particularly remarkable here for their large size and unusual depiction.

古比特佛像网, 编号: 金刚总持:金刚总持052
本页地址: https://fo.gubit.cn/金刚总持/金刚总持052 · 最后更新: 2022/02/27 10:58 (外部编辑)